By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
The mission isn’t the people, the people are the mission. At first glance, this sentence screams “fallacy,” or at least “contradiction.” So, let me rework it visually:
Mission = People
People = Mission
Which of these equations make the greatest sense? Many would say that the first is correct according to the Great Commission (which is every Christian’s mission): “Go and make disciples of all nations. Baptize them…teach them…(Matthew 28:19-20).” But, let me point out that we cannot baptize or teach a nation without people, for the people are the nation. Without people, therefore, we cannot have a mission, because we need the “them” to fulfill the Great Commission. Often, however, we have a reverse mentality in which the goal or the nation is our sole focus as opposed to HUMAN HEARTS.
People are the mission. When we understand this, we beat the Jonah-complex which I wrote about last week. Jonah was angry when Nineveh didn’t burn because he was focused on the mission as opposed to saving the people. He missed the joy of participating in the deliverance of an entire city because he was so wrapped up in the execution of his task.
If we focus solely on a mission or calling in our lives, we miss the miracles happening along the way to the completion of that mission. Essentially, we miss the whole purpose of having a mission – the purpose is to make an eternal difference. The only way to make an eternal difference is to affect the hearts and souls of human beings. Missions don’t exist without people.
Jesus’ life exemplifies this point. He certainly had a mission – his entire life built towards the purpose of the cross – but He stopped on the way for the people, showing they were His first priority…they were IT. He never ignored the need of a crying heart for the sake of a goal or plan in which He was endeavoring to fulfill. Take, for example, the story of Jarirus’ daughter, Luke 8:40-55.
Jarius was a very important official, highly esteemed in the eyes of the people. His daughter was sick, and he tried everything. Nothing worked. She was only twelve, and she was dying. Jarius was desperate. So, he opted to find Jesus personally, as opposed to sending his servant. When Jarius located Jesus, he fell at His feet and begged Christ to come to his house. The people all watched in astonishment. In modern day, this would be like a famous superstar prostrating himself and begging a “middle-class” individual for help…the press coverage would be epic. Therefore, Mission-Jarius’-Daughter was a red-carpet event for Jesus. He agreed, and Jarius led the way at a frantic pace. The gossip-hungry crowd pressed tightly around them, wanting to be a part of this significant event. Each step was another second in which the little girl could be taking her last breath. But, Jesus stopped. Abruptly. Jarius looked back, confused, “Hurry, hurry!” Jesus was looking around at all the people and asked, “Who touched me?” Everyone wondered if He’d gone nuts! There were thousands brushing against Jesus, what could He mean? Why was he allowing himself to be distracted from this mission at hand by such a little detail? The daughter of this famous man was dying! He was risking his reputation and ministry! Nevertheless, Jesus persisted. “Someone has touched me.” Finally, a frightened woman came forth, and threw herself before Jesus in fear. She had suffered bleeding for twelve years and knew that if she could only touch His garments, she would be healed. And, she was! This woman – who had endured scorn from others, who had felt dirty for so long, who’s life savings had been spent on trying to find a cure – was finally whole. Yet, she was still ashamed, sprawled in the dirt before Jesus. Jesus knew that although her body was healed, her heart was still bleeding. He touched her and spoke, “Daughter…Go in peace.” He delivered this woman from turmoil and shame by ministering peace and calling her daughter – an endearing term only recorded coming from His lips this once. As Jesus was giving this woman acceptance and belonging, a servant came to Jarius with news. His daughter was dead. Jesus was no longer needed. In everyone’s eyes, the mission was a failure. But for Jesus, so long as there are people, the mission is never abandoned. He told Jarius that his daughter would be healed. Jarius remains in shock. He stared at this crazy man thinking, She’s dead. Why didn’t you complete your mission to my daughter. Why did you stop for this woman and let my daughter die? When Jesus arrived at the house, people mocked and jeered. Jesus looked past the circumstances towards the girl in need. With a word and a touch, he raised Jarius’ daughter up from the dead, completely whole and healed. His mission was completed, despite it all, because His mission was based on the souls of the people, which are eternal and never fade.
Along the road to whatever Jesus was seeking to accomplish, he never looked at the needs of the people as an interruption…because he operated out of a people mentality. He did not allow fame, or importance of a goal, nor the voices of the crowd to override the cry of human souls. And, Christ did not die for the sake of a mission; He died for the hearts and souls of the PEOPLE. Our Great Commission is to epitomize Jesus Christ…our mission is not about reaching goals, it’s about reaching souls. The people are our mission.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
Lately, the Bible’s been funny to me. Not the Bible itself, the stories in it. This morning I was reading Jonah and had to laugh! Jonah, like all the other characters in the Bible, was one-hundred percent human – just like us. He was stubborn, he was afraid, he didn’t want to do the task God asked, and he was the ultimate dramatic. The story starts like this:
God says GO!
Jonah says no.
He actually physically tries to run from God. The first place he goes is a shipyard, thinking maybe he can put some ocean between him and God, as if contact with the Creator of the Universe could only be made on land! But, he can’t escape. At sea, a storm tosses the ship about like a rubber-ducky. The sailors are frantic and petition their various gods, to no avail. Finally, they went to Jonah, knowing he was in the process of running away from God since he announced it to them when he boarded the ship. Instead of praying and submitting, Jonah tells them to throw him overboard.
Jonah decides he should die.
God decides He’ll give him another try.
So, did God send a life-raft to pick him up, or a sailor to rescue Jonah? No, He “provided” a great fish “to swallow” Jonah (if anyone ever tries to say God doesn’t have a sense of humor, just point them to this story)! Jonah sat in that mucky-yucky, not to mention slimy, innards of the fish until he finally prayed and turned to the Lord. The Bible says that the fish then VOMITED Jonah out on shore. And, he gets another chance.
God, again, says GO!
Jonah says ok, I’ll bring to Nineveh your woe!
SO, Jonah finally travels to fulfill the original mission God sent Him on. When he gets to Nineveh, he warns the people of their sin and tells them that they will be destroyed. The king and his people are so repentant, they denounce all their gods and pray and fast to the One true God. God sees this, and has compassion on the people of Nineveh. Meanwhile, Jonah is watching for the city to be destroyed. He’d brought the warning of God, and now he waits for the message he brought to be fulfilled. After all, this is what he was sent for! When Jonah realizes that Nineveh is getting a second chance, he gets angry that the word he delivered didn’t happen like he said, so he begins berating God. “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God,” he shook his fist to heaven. “Slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending the calamity.” Aaaaarrrrrr, “Now, O Lord, take away my life!” With that, the angered man stormed to the desolate landscape outside the city, without supplies or shelter.
Jonah goes to the desert to bake.
God sends shade for his sake.
Despite his original dramatic intentions, Jonah was happy for the shade, but the next day the vine, which was providing protection for the sun, withered. He became angry all over again at God – angry because nothing was going the way he planned. His solution? Nothing less than death (this is the third of Jonah’s death wishes in the short book!).
Jonah asks, “Death to me, O God, please render!”
God asks, “Jonah, my child, just surrender.”
And then book ends – fin, complete. We never discover the resolution of the story. But I think that’s the point of the Book of Jonah. The end of the story is ours. God gives us Jonah because we can relate, then leaves the story unfinished for us to complete. After all, we are all Jonahs who are being shaped into vessels God can use. Maybe you haven’t done any of the following, but I can guarantee you know someone who has…
Ran from the difficult things God asks him to do.
Blamed God for bad things that happen to her.
Been angry when something didn’t turn out the way he or she thought it should.
Just generally whined, complained, and dramatized when life was out of their control.
Sometimes, we only see the unpleasant, stinky part of life, or the things that are removed from our lives. When, in fact, Jonah’s story shows us that the smelly fish wasn’t a curse, it was a blessing because it preserved his life; just as the vine in the desert was provided for a season, until it was time for Jonah to move on. God didn’t send the fish or remove the vine out of anger but out of loving compassion. He did not send Jonah to Nineveh simply because he was angry with the city, He sent him because He loved the people and desired to provide them with another chance. After Jonah rejected the call, God could have chosen someone different, but God wanted Jonah because He cared. Just like with Nineveh, God provided Jonah with second chances. God did not relent. He kept on pursuing Jonah.
That’s how God is with us, he’s gracious and compassionate. He doesn’t sit in heaven and wait for us to fail so He can get angry and send calamity. No matter how much we mess up, God still wants to use us! If we run, He’ll send a storm to redirect our route. If we jump into the ocean, He’ll send a big fish to swallow us up and spit us where we need to go. If we decided to wander in the desert, He’ll eventually spring something from the ground to bring us back to our right minds. You see, God can handle our dramatics and our fears, but the one thing He does expect of us is to let HIM BE GOD. The problem with Jonah trying to control his life, the weather, the plant, and the fate of the city is that he operates out of the human condition of condemnation. Even condemnation upon himself (note: his desire to die). Whereas, God’s plan, which we see played out in the story, is one of grace. He extends this redemption in equal amounts to all peoples. So, when the Book ends with God asking Jonah, “Don’t I have the right to do as I please with my creation?” He is asking this same question of us. We all come to the point where we must answer this question, which is why the end of Jonah is our beginning. For, our journey starts with acknowledging God’s right and might to control with His great love. So, you can choose to run or surrender.
But if you run, He’ll smile and send a fish just for you…
because you’re a Jonah, with a calling too!
Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
Lately, the Bible’s been funny to me. Not the Bible itself, the stories in it. This morning I was reading Jonah and had to laugh! Jonah, like all the other characters in the Bible, was one-hundred percent human – just like us. He was stubborn, he was afraid, he didn’t want to do the task God asked, and he was the ultimate dramatic. The story starts like this:
God says GO!
Jonah says no.
He actually physically tries to run from God. The first place he goes is a shipyard, thinking maybe he can put some ocean between him and God, as if contact with the Creator of the Universe could only be made on land! But, he can’t escape. At sea, a storm tosses the ship about like a rubber-ducky. The sailors are frantic and petition their various gods, to no avail. Finally, they went to Jonah, knowing he was in the process of running away from God since he announced it to them when he boarded the ship. Instead of praying and submitting, Jonah tells them to throw him overboard.
Jonah decides he should die.
God decides He’ll give him another try.
So, did God send a life-raft to pick him up, or a sailor to rescue Jonah? No, He “provided” a great fish “to swallow” Jonah (if anyone ever tries to say God doesn’t have a sense of humor, just point them to this story)! Jonah sat in that mucky-yucky, not to mention slimy, innards of the fish until he finally prayed and turned to the Lord. The Bible says that the fish then VOMITED Jonah out on shore. And, he gets another chance.
God, again, says GO!
Jonah says ok, I’ll bring to Nineveh your woe!
SO, Jonah finally travels to fulfill the original mission God sent Him on. When he gets to Nineveh, he warns the people of their sin and tells them that they will be destroyed. The king and his people are so repentant, they denounce all their gods and pray and fast to the One true God. God sees this, and has compassion on the people of Nineveh. Meanwhile, Jonah is watching for the city to be destroyed. He’d brought the warning of God, and now he waits for the message he brought to be fulfilled. After all, this is what he was sent for! When Jonah realizes that Nineveh is getting a second chance, he gets angry that the word he delivered didn’t happen like he said, so he begins berating God. “I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God,” he shook his fist to heaven. “Slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending the calamity.” Aaaaarrrrrr, “Now, O Lord, take away my life!” With that, the angered man stormed to the desolate landscape outside the city, without supplies or shelter.
Jonah goes to the desert to bake.
God sends shade for his sake.
Despite his original dramatic intentions, Jonah was happy for the shade, but the next day the vine, which was providing protection for the sun, withered. He became angry all over again at God – angry because nothing was going the way he planned. His solution? Nothing less than death (this is the third of Jonah’s death wishes in the short book!).
Jonah asks, “Death to me, O God, please render!”
God asks, “Jonah, my child, just surrender.”
And then book ends – fin, complete. We never discover the resolution of the story. But I think that’s the point of the Book of Jonah. The end of the story is ours. God gives us Jonah because we can relate, then leaves the story unfinished for us to complete. After all, we are all Jonahs who are being shaped into vessels God can use. Maybe you haven’t done any of the following, but I can guarantee you know someone who has…
Ran from the difficult things God asks him to do.
Blamed God for bad things that happen to her.
Been angry when something didn’t turn out the way he or she thought it should.
Just generally whined, complained, and dramatized when life was out of their control.
Sometimes, we only see the unpleasant, stinky part of life, or the things that are removed from our lives. When, in fact, Jonah’s story shows us that the smelly fish wasn’t a curse, it was a blessing because it preserved his life; just as the vine in the desert was provided for a season, until it was time for Jonah to move on. God didn’t send the fish or remove the vine out of anger but out of loving compassion. He did not send Jonah to Nineveh simply because he was angry with the city, He sent him because He loved the people and desired to provide them with another chance. After Jonah rejected the call, God could have chosen someone different, but God wanted Jonah because He cared. Just like with Nineveh, God provided Jonah with second chances. God did not relent. He kept on pursuing Jonah.
That’s how God is with us, he’s gracious and compassionate. He doesn’t sit in heaven and wait for us to fail so He can get angry and send calamity. No matter how much we mess up, God still wants to use us! If we run, He’ll send a storm to redirect our route. If we jump into the ocean, He’ll send a big fish to swallow us up and spit us where we need to go. If we decided to wander in the desert, He’ll eventually spring something from the ground to bring us back to our right minds. You see, God can handle our dramatics and our fears, but the one thing He does expect of us is to let HIM BE GOD. The problem with Jonah trying to control his life, the weather, the plant, and the fate of the city is that he operates out of the human condition of condemnation. Even condemnation upon himself (note: his desire to die). Whereas, God’s plan, which we see played out in the story, is one of grace. He extends this redemption in equal amounts to all peoples. So, when the Book ends with God asking Jonah, “Don’t I have the right to do as I please with my creation?” He is asking this same question of us. We all come to the point where we must answer this question, which is why the end of Jonah is our beginning. For, our journey starts with acknowledging God’s right and might to control with His great love. So, you can choose to run or surrender.
But if you run, He’ll smile and send a fish just for you…
because you’re a Jonah, with a calling too!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Stories from the Love-Starved
Stories from the Love-Starved
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
The other day I entered Wal-Mart’s restroom, and in one of the stalls I saw a pregnancy test. It was negative. The image of it sitting there made me want to cry. My first thought was, What type of desperate situation would force someone to take their pregnancy test in Wal-Mart? A scenario played out in my head:
There’s a girl who had it all. She grew up with a family that attended church regularly, lived in a great neighborhood, and had the “perfect” American life. On the outside. Inside, though, she was desperate. Desperate to satisfy her craving for love. Her father never said “I love you,” and she felt her family never talked about real feelings, feelings that were ready to shatter her to pieces if they didn’t find an outlet. So, behind closed doors she sought the cure. Her medicine became attention from boys. But there were side effects, for her hunger to feel special and loved only increased each time she slept with her boyfriend. One day, the inevitable came: she missed her menstrual cycle. It took her a day to gather the courage to drive to Wal-Mart. Standing in the aisle with the pregnancy tests, she waited until she was alone. Her arm felt like lead, barely able to rise and pick up the box. It seemed to mock her. I can’t…I can’t be seen with this. I’m supposed to be this perfect Christian girl! It was so easy for her to slip it in her purse and walk to the bathroom, paranoid the whole time that if she made eye contact the people she passed would know. As she shut herself in the stall. She felt sick – she took the test. The next few minutes of waiting took an infinity. When the results showed, she almost fainted with relief. Blue was her new favorite color. She hung over the toilet, breathing…breathing. After collecting herself, she stared at the test, unable to bring herself to touch it again. And, too afraid someone would see her carrying it to the garbage, she left it sitting in the stall. She had a scare, but she was safe now. Somehow she didn’t feel much better as she left Wal-Mart…all she could think was, I’m a criminal and I’m so dirty. I need…something. But no one will ever know…
She goes home to an empty house.
No one is there to hold her and tell her...
Though I made this particular story up, it’s composed from reality. I’ve worked with numerous girls who have the same story, just translated in a different version. This craving for love, however, doesn’t just gnaw at girls. Guys have their own hunger-pains.
He, too, grew up going to church periodically as a boy, but phased out of attending as he grew older. His family was pretty much a wreck, and he craved something more. He looked, and looked. Maybe it would be found in a woman’s touch? His first serious girlfriend was at age sixteen. She manipulated him, sucked him dry, and left him with his manhood punctured by the barrage of her words. He was sure his heart would never be whole again. Until, an angel came along. She patched the holes and made him feel a man once more. They went to church together, prayed together, and…slept together. After all, they loved eachother. He knew she wanted him, and that made him feel needed, it gave him purpose. But it didn’t seem to be enough. He still hungered. So, he decided that one day they would be married – that would fix his consuming desire. They graduated. A year later, she broke it off. As she left, she ripped off every patch on his heart, and added a few punctures of her own. He stood alone, the wind of pain whistling through his abused heart. Love is a lie, God is a lie. If it was all a lie, he knew life wasn’t worth it. But something inside of him still beat to live, so he chose to numb it all away. Party every weekend, one hook up after the next, experimenting with anything to bring pleasure. I’m iron, I’m steal. Don’t care, don’t care, don’t care…just live. No matter what, when he was alone he still cared. And he panted to be cared for. I’m so dirty. I need…something. He knows better than to open up again…
He goes to sleep with an empty heart.
No one’s there to tell him…
…what? What is no one there to tell him? What did the girl never hear? They both grew up going to church, and yet they were still starved for love. Isn’t the God of love enough to keep these young people from vacuuming up pleasure from the dirty floors of this world? Yes, the God of Love is, but the god of religion is not. How many times does someone enter a church who has a story like this, and all they feel is numbing, burning shame because they are held at arms length. But what if, when they fell, someone was there to hold them tight and tell them, “You’re worth more than ever! God doesn’t love you for what you can do for him, or what you don’t do. HE JUST LOVES YOU.” Religion says instead: you’re worthless, or worth less, to God when you mess up, when you hurt, when you are essentially human. This message breeds stories like the ones above, and, ultimately, death. But Love – in the words of Jesus – says: “I showed My love for you by dying for you while you were still a sinner” (Romans 5:8). This message brings LIFE, and it is the “something” the individuals from our stories instinctively know they need!
As representatives of Jesus on this earth, He asks us to send the message of love and not religion. For until we realize that love is not “that we loved God, but that He loved us” first (1 John 4:10), we’ll always be pursuing and craving after love. But when we realize love is not earned, then we can accept the life-changing, head-over heels, all-out, reach-for-the-stars love relationship God wants to have with us. And, when we understand and accept the real unconditionality of God, it is only then that we truly learn to love Him and others, and our life choices naturally follow. This is what every man, woman, child, and youth longs and hungers for – the ability to love and be loved unconditionally. Two questions then remain:
What message have you been given about God?
And, are you giving religion or the message of Jesus to this love-starved world?
Only the love of Jesus satisfies.
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
The other day I entered Wal-Mart’s restroom, and in one of the stalls I saw a pregnancy test. It was negative. The image of it sitting there made me want to cry. My first thought was, What type of desperate situation would force someone to take their pregnancy test in Wal-Mart? A scenario played out in my head:
There’s a girl who had it all. She grew up with a family that attended church regularly, lived in a great neighborhood, and had the “perfect” American life. On the outside. Inside, though, she was desperate. Desperate to satisfy her craving for love. Her father never said “I love you,” and she felt her family never talked about real feelings, feelings that were ready to shatter her to pieces if they didn’t find an outlet. So, behind closed doors she sought the cure. Her medicine became attention from boys. But there were side effects, for her hunger to feel special and loved only increased each time she slept with her boyfriend. One day, the inevitable came: she missed her menstrual cycle. It took her a day to gather the courage to drive to Wal-Mart. Standing in the aisle with the pregnancy tests, she waited until she was alone. Her arm felt like lead, barely able to rise and pick up the box. It seemed to mock her. I can’t…I can’t be seen with this. I’m supposed to be this perfect Christian girl! It was so easy for her to slip it in her purse and walk to the bathroom, paranoid the whole time that if she made eye contact the people she passed would know. As she shut herself in the stall. She felt sick – she took the test. The next few minutes of waiting took an infinity. When the results showed, she almost fainted with relief. Blue was her new favorite color. She hung over the toilet, breathing…breathing. After collecting herself, she stared at the test, unable to bring herself to touch it again. And, too afraid someone would see her carrying it to the garbage, she left it sitting in the stall. She had a scare, but she was safe now. Somehow she didn’t feel much better as she left Wal-Mart…all she could think was, I’m a criminal and I’m so dirty. I need…something. But no one will ever know…
She goes home to an empty house.
No one is there to hold her and tell her...
Though I made this particular story up, it’s composed from reality. I’ve worked with numerous girls who have the same story, just translated in a different version. This craving for love, however, doesn’t just gnaw at girls. Guys have their own hunger-pains.
He, too, grew up going to church periodically as a boy, but phased out of attending as he grew older. His family was pretty much a wreck, and he craved something more. He looked, and looked. Maybe it would be found in a woman’s touch? His first serious girlfriend was at age sixteen. She manipulated him, sucked him dry, and left him with his manhood punctured by the barrage of her words. He was sure his heart would never be whole again. Until, an angel came along. She patched the holes and made him feel a man once more. They went to church together, prayed together, and…slept together. After all, they loved eachother. He knew she wanted him, and that made him feel needed, it gave him purpose. But it didn’t seem to be enough. He still hungered. So, he decided that one day they would be married – that would fix his consuming desire. They graduated. A year later, she broke it off. As she left, she ripped off every patch on his heart, and added a few punctures of her own. He stood alone, the wind of pain whistling through his abused heart. Love is a lie, God is a lie. If it was all a lie, he knew life wasn’t worth it. But something inside of him still beat to live, so he chose to numb it all away. Party every weekend, one hook up after the next, experimenting with anything to bring pleasure. I’m iron, I’m steal. Don’t care, don’t care, don’t care…just live. No matter what, when he was alone he still cared. And he panted to be cared for. I’m so dirty. I need…something. He knows better than to open up again…
He goes to sleep with an empty heart.
No one’s there to tell him…
…what? What is no one there to tell him? What did the girl never hear? They both grew up going to church, and yet they were still starved for love. Isn’t the God of love enough to keep these young people from vacuuming up pleasure from the dirty floors of this world? Yes, the God of Love is, but the god of religion is not. How many times does someone enter a church who has a story like this, and all they feel is numbing, burning shame because they are held at arms length. But what if, when they fell, someone was there to hold them tight and tell them, “You’re worth more than ever! God doesn’t love you for what you can do for him, or what you don’t do. HE JUST LOVES YOU.” Religion says instead: you’re worthless, or worth less, to God when you mess up, when you hurt, when you are essentially human. This message breeds stories like the ones above, and, ultimately, death. But Love – in the words of Jesus – says: “I showed My love for you by dying for you while you were still a sinner” (Romans 5:8). This message brings LIFE, and it is the “something” the individuals from our stories instinctively know they need!
As representatives of Jesus on this earth, He asks us to send the message of love and not religion. For until we realize that love is not “that we loved God, but that He loved us” first (1 John 4:10), we’ll always be pursuing and craving after love. But when we realize love is not earned, then we can accept the life-changing, head-over heels, all-out, reach-for-the-stars love relationship God wants to have with us. And, when we understand and accept the real unconditionality of God, it is only then that we truly learn to love Him and others, and our life choices naturally follow. This is what every man, woman, child, and youth longs and hungers for – the ability to love and be loved unconditionally. Two questions then remain:
What message have you been given about God?
And, are you giving religion or the message of Jesus to this love-starved world?
Only the love of Jesus satisfies.
Friday, July 10, 2009
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
David was given a sling. Ester was given a crown. Sampson was granted amazing strength. Moses was given a rod, oh, and another voice, via Aaron. Solomon was granted the greatest wisdom known to mankind. Joseph was given dreams, to interpret and to encourage. All these important figures of the Bible were given something, a tool of sorts, to do what was needed and accomplish their mission. What was I given?
Sometimes I feel as if God’s sent me to a massive construction site to work, but forgot to give me the tools. I don’t have superhuman strength, I don’t hold a rod that parts obstacles, I don’t even own a backhoe! Yet, I look around and see the need – there are things that need to be built, cracks and divots that require covering, foundations need mapping. In fact, I can’t escape this need because no matter where I go I encounter construction zones; they are all around me, living, moving, breathing…they’re called people.
Many are experiencing their foundations shifting.
Some have holes so big through their hearts that they have no protection from storms. Most are crumbling.
And I look down at my balled fists…they seem so empty. I see the job that needs doing, but feel so ill-equipped. God, give me some nails, some glue – anything! Where is my tool!?
Wait! Suddenly it’s as if I’ve been hoisted by a crane and am dangling above the scene! I see my own body below, glancing all around, desperately, for something to help the tumbling and cracking people. Then, my vision transcends the external; I see within the frame of Krinda below. I see my tool! All along it’s been sitting inside of me.
Waiting for me to let it out of its box and get to work.
I’m in shock. It is more accurate than David’s sling, more impacting than Joseph’s dreams, demands more authority than Ester’s crown, and is the ultimate all-purpose-all-powerful tool. Its logo is a flame. Its name is the Holy Spirit. God points down to my body below and says, “[Krinda], the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you (Romans 8:11).” With this statement, I realize that I’ve been given the same tool that Jesus Christ used while on earth! I have what is required to help repair the broken and build back up the sick. All I need to do the work is allow the Holy Spirit out of the box, and let Him work THROUGH me! At this revelation, I’m instantly back in my Krinda-frame looking at a project right in front of me. She’s pretty beat up: ripped heart, broken dreams, cracking hope. But now I know where my tool is to start construction and accomplish the mission.
Guess what! I’m not the only one with this tool – chances are high that you have it too. And if you don’t, it’s a gift promised to you by God Himself (Acts 1:4-5). You see, if you’ve asked Jesus into your heart, the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of you. All that needs to be done is for you to let the Holy Spirit outside of the box and let Him flow through you. When this happens, the Holy Spirit also often uses your hands, your feet, and your body to accomplish the work. You never have to look at a need and feel empty, ill-equipped, and useless again. Whatever construction-site and mission God’s called you to, know that you have THE all-purpose-all-powerful tool inside of you!
Let’s allow the Holy Spirit within us to work…let’s light the flame!
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
David was given a sling. Ester was given a crown. Sampson was granted amazing strength. Moses was given a rod, oh, and another voice, via Aaron. Solomon was granted the greatest wisdom known to mankind. Joseph was given dreams, to interpret and to encourage. All these important figures of the Bible were given something, a tool of sorts, to do what was needed and accomplish their mission. What was I given?
Sometimes I feel as if God’s sent me to a massive construction site to work, but forgot to give me the tools. I don’t have superhuman strength, I don’t hold a rod that parts obstacles, I don’t even own a backhoe! Yet, I look around and see the need – there are things that need to be built, cracks and divots that require covering, foundations need mapping. In fact, I can’t escape this need because no matter where I go I encounter construction zones; they are all around me, living, moving, breathing…they’re called people.
Many are experiencing their foundations shifting.
Some have holes so big through their hearts that they have no protection from storms. Most are crumbling.
And I look down at my balled fists…they seem so empty. I see the job that needs doing, but feel so ill-equipped. God, give me some nails, some glue – anything! Where is my tool!?
Wait! Suddenly it’s as if I’ve been hoisted by a crane and am dangling above the scene! I see my own body below, glancing all around, desperately, for something to help the tumbling and cracking people. Then, my vision transcends the external; I see within the frame of Krinda below. I see my tool! All along it’s been sitting inside of me.
Waiting for me to let it out of its box and get to work.
I’m in shock. It is more accurate than David’s sling, more impacting than Joseph’s dreams, demands more authority than Ester’s crown, and is the ultimate all-purpose-all-powerful tool. Its logo is a flame. Its name is the Holy Spirit. God points down to my body below and says, “[Krinda], the Spirit of the One who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you (Romans 8:11).” With this statement, I realize that I’ve been given the same tool that Jesus Christ used while on earth! I have what is required to help repair the broken and build back up the sick. All I need to do the work is allow the Holy Spirit out of the box, and let Him work THROUGH me! At this revelation, I’m instantly back in my Krinda-frame looking at a project right in front of me. She’s pretty beat up: ripped heart, broken dreams, cracking hope. But now I know where my tool is to start construction and accomplish the mission.
Guess what! I’m not the only one with this tool – chances are high that you have it too. And if you don’t, it’s a gift promised to you by God Himself (Acts 1:4-5). You see, if you’ve asked Jesus into your heart, the Holy Spirit comes and lives inside of you. All that needs to be done is for you to let the Holy Spirit outside of the box and let Him flow through you. When this happens, the Holy Spirit also often uses your hands, your feet, and your body to accomplish the work. You never have to look at a need and feel empty, ill-equipped, and useless again. Whatever construction-site and mission God’s called you to, know that you have THE all-purpose-all-powerful tool inside of you!
Let’s allow the Holy Spirit within us to work…let’s light the flame!
Friday, July 3, 2009
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
Food. Talk. Jokes. The group of men enjoyed the meal with a comradeship born from countless hours spent together. However, tonight, something was lingering in the air – a heaviness marked the movements of their leader. They went about the motions of chewing bread and drinking their wine as if everything was normal, but between bites, furtive glances were cast towards the man at the head of the table.
In the middle of a lapse in conversation, the door to the meeting room suddenly flung open. There stood a woman clothed in scarlet. All eyes stared. She moved silently, grimly towards their leader clutching an elaborate jar to her chest. As she halted before him, one of the men nearby seemed to snap from his stupor, preparing to remove her from their presence. His leader motioned that he be seated. The man questioned, “Jesus…?”
But his leader, Jesus, had his eyes focused upon the woman’s as she uncorked the bottle in her hands. She extended the jar. Halted. Looked imploringly at the man in front of her.
He simply nodded.
Without breaking eye contact, the woman poured the contents of the jar over the head of Jesus. The sweet, distinct smell of one of the most costly perfumes available began to fill the room. The liquid spilled down Jesus’ hair, dripped onto his clothes, and mixed with the tears now sliding down his cheeks. The woman, too, began to cry, and shared a special smile with the man in front of her. The rest of the men, however, started muttering amongst themselves, none-too subtly.
“This is ridiculous! What’s she thinking? Is she crazy?”
“That perfume costs a fortune! What a waste.”
“We could have sold that and used the money for something better!”
The woman hung her head. Doubts taking root in her heart, Maybe I am foolish.
His gaze with the woman broken, Jesus turned a stern eye on the others. “Why are you bothering this woman?” He asked. “She has done a beautiful thing to me…when she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told.” With that said, he reached out and embraced the woman, who then departed as silently as she came.
This time when the door shut, she stood outside it and hugged the bottle to herself with a smile. Though empty of perfume, it was full now of something better – a priceless memory of Jesus’ acceptance that would be a continual reservoir of sweet joy. (Matthew 26:6-13)
This true story takes place shortly before Jesus is arrested and sentenced to death on the cross. Although Jesus is preparing to give the most valuable gift mankind will ever experience – his life – he still calls this woman’s offering beautiful! Why? Because her gift captures the essence of giving.
The woman brings to Jesus what is costly to her, and she pours it all out for his sake. That’s what Jesus asks of us when we come to him and when we give to others. He asks us to give with all our heart, thus the deed that represented this essence of giving costs something of us. It is befriending the social misfit in the office, which costs us because it places us on the gossip-list of our coworkers; it is listening to our lonely aunt repeat the same story over and over that costs us our time; it is being the first to extend an apology, which costs us our pride; and it is embracing the dirty, smelly outcast, which costs us our comfort. True giving like this costs the pouring out of the “self” for another. As shown by the men in the story, people won’t always understand this kind of giving, they may even mock you. But you’re not doing it for them, you’re pouring your offering upon the head of Jesus…you’re doing it for Him. Like the woman who gave Jesus what was costly to her, Jesus is looking at us and nodding encouragement that we do the same. When we pour out of the part of our heart we clutch so tightly to, the offering is a sweet and beautiful perfume to Jesus.
Then, he smiles upon us.
He embraces us.
He fills the now emptied bottle of our offering…
with the joy of His love and acceptance. Now that’s priceless beyond measure.
By: Krinda Joy Carlson
Intern, Ceitci Demirkova Ministries
Food. Talk. Jokes. The group of men enjoyed the meal with a comradeship born from countless hours spent together. However, tonight, something was lingering in the air – a heaviness marked the movements of their leader. They went about the motions of chewing bread and drinking their wine as if everything was normal, but between bites, furtive glances were cast towards the man at the head of the table.
In the middle of a lapse in conversation, the door to the meeting room suddenly flung open. There stood a woman clothed in scarlet. All eyes stared. She moved silently, grimly towards their leader clutching an elaborate jar to her chest. As she halted before him, one of the men nearby seemed to snap from his stupor, preparing to remove her from their presence. His leader motioned that he be seated. The man questioned, “Jesus…?”
But his leader, Jesus, had his eyes focused upon the woman’s as she uncorked the bottle in her hands. She extended the jar. Halted. Looked imploringly at the man in front of her.
He simply nodded.
Without breaking eye contact, the woman poured the contents of the jar over the head of Jesus. The sweet, distinct smell of one of the most costly perfumes available began to fill the room. The liquid spilled down Jesus’ hair, dripped onto his clothes, and mixed with the tears now sliding down his cheeks. The woman, too, began to cry, and shared a special smile with the man in front of her. The rest of the men, however, started muttering amongst themselves, none-too subtly.
“This is ridiculous! What’s she thinking? Is she crazy?”
“That perfume costs a fortune! What a waste.”
“We could have sold that and used the money for something better!”
The woman hung her head. Doubts taking root in her heart, Maybe I am foolish.
His gaze with the woman broken, Jesus turned a stern eye on the others. “Why are you bothering this woman?” He asked. “She has done a beautiful thing to me…when she poured this perfume on my body, she did it to prepare me for burial. I tell you the truth, wherever this gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told.” With that said, he reached out and embraced the woman, who then departed as silently as she came.
This time when the door shut, she stood outside it and hugged the bottle to herself with a smile. Though empty of perfume, it was full now of something better – a priceless memory of Jesus’ acceptance that would be a continual reservoir of sweet joy. (Matthew 26:6-13)
This true story takes place shortly before Jesus is arrested and sentenced to death on the cross. Although Jesus is preparing to give the most valuable gift mankind will ever experience – his life – he still calls this woman’s offering beautiful! Why? Because her gift captures the essence of giving.
The woman brings to Jesus what is costly to her, and she pours it all out for his sake. That’s what Jesus asks of us when we come to him and when we give to others. He asks us to give with all our heart, thus the deed that represented this essence of giving costs something of us. It is befriending the social misfit in the office, which costs us because it places us on the gossip-list of our coworkers; it is listening to our lonely aunt repeat the same story over and over that costs us our time; it is being the first to extend an apology, which costs us our pride; and it is embracing the dirty, smelly outcast, which costs us our comfort. True giving like this costs the pouring out of the “self” for another. As shown by the men in the story, people won’t always understand this kind of giving, they may even mock you. But you’re not doing it for them, you’re pouring your offering upon the head of Jesus…you’re doing it for Him. Like the woman who gave Jesus what was costly to her, Jesus is looking at us and nodding encouragement that we do the same. When we pour out of the part of our heart we clutch so tightly to, the offering is a sweet and beautiful perfume to Jesus.
Then, he smiles upon us.
He embraces us.
He fills the now emptied bottle of our offering…
with the joy of His love and acceptance. Now that’s priceless beyond measure.
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