God created us to be cherished, valued and loved. But if we don’t see ourselves as having any value, that will lead us to make decisions that can lead us to further emotional slavery, as well as physical slavery. In countries all over the world mindsets like this lead to circumstances where men and women will make rash decisions in an effort to feel value, or take advantage of someone that they see no value in. This mental enslavement leads people to make decisions based on very little thought or information, or to use people like items to use and sell.
A young girl with this mindset will quickly trust a stranger promising a great job in another country, and only later discover she has really been enslaved. The rest of her life will be spent working endlessly for little or no pay, or being forced to deliver her precious body to a daily string of men. It can all start with that despair and slavery of her mind. She feels she has no value and the first chance she sees she grasps at. But a woman who knows that she is cherished and adored by her Heavenly father will offer Him her trust and know that He will take care of her. She doesn’t need to act rashly in desperation.
Pray for deliverance from mental and physical slavery for Bulgaria and the world. Pray that these strongholds and damaging mindsets will be broken through the brilliant power of Christ. Pray that He will refresh them with the knowledge and understanding of true value and purpose a plan He has just for them!