The book of Ruth is truly inspiring. I love this part in the story that occurs right after Boaz has agreed to go ask the "closer relative" if he will relinquish his marrying rights. Everything is up in the air right now. He needs permission from this other man or no marriage between him and Ruth will take place.
Ruth 3:18 Then she (Naomi, Ruth's mother in law) said, “Wait, my daughter, until you know how the matter turns out; for the man will not rest until he has settled it today.”
The Hebrew word for WAIT is yashab: to dwell, remain, sit, abide.
The commentary goes on to say: this is often the most difficult part of faith- when no more action can be taken and nothing remains but to wait patiently for God to work out His will. It is at this moment that doubts arise and anxiety creeps in.
Will you allow God to work this lesson in your life? He is asking you, "Will You trust Me and just abide with Me when there is nothing else you can do in the situation? Will You let go and just be with Me? Will you belive that I have good things in store for you My beloved?"
What an incredible quality to posses: a incessant trust. Every moment a moment of restfully being with Him because…well…He loves me.