Find Christian Motivational Speakers. Have you ever tried to find Christian motivational speakers who inspire real change, rather than just provide an hour of feel-good-words with no lasting impact? Whether we’re planning an event and need motivational speakers, or looking to find motivational sermons to listen to, it remains important to remember that not every message deemed “Christian” is infused with the power that alters our perception and brings LIFE to our hearts! So, when seeking to find Christian motivational speakers whose words are full of this power and life, three things should come to question: 1. What is the speaker’s primary purpose behind his or her ministry? 2. Feel out his or her perspective on Redemption and Christianity, and, 3. Weigh not the individual’s schooling first, but the speaker’s primary Teacher. Considering these three things helps us find Christian motivational speakers that truly motivate movement in hearts and lives.
First, Christian motivational speakers should know what their purpose is each time they step up to the microphone. Although the message, the people, and the settings may change, someone motivated by God’s heart never changes their purpose behind speaking. And, no one can motivate others with their words without first being motivated by the heart of God. Personally, I am always impacted to change when I listen to Ceitci Demirkova because her purpose behind each message is the same: “to inspire others to reach the fullness of their destiny in Jesus Christ,” which is to embrace and live out Christ’s salvation!
Secondly, a huge component to find Christian motivational speakers involves finding someone who knows the meaning of true Redemption, and extends that message to others. When the Bible says, “the old has gone, the new has come,” it means just that. Redemption means we are freed completely from the sin that separates us from God, and we are restored to connect intimately with Him. When Christian speakers still cling to the idea that we are imperfect and impure before God, even after accepting our new life through Christ’s sacrifice, then the message they deliver is condemning and not motivational. It brings death and not life, because it’s not the heart of God.
Lastly, and most importantly, so much weight seems to be put on an individual’s accolades or scholarly achievements when seeking a Christian motivational speaker, when we really should consider the speaker’s Teacher first. Surely, education is important, but the ultimate Teacher does not lecture in the classroom. Jesus told us in John 14:26, “the Councilor, the Holy Spirit…will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.” Without the Holy Spirit as the primary Mentor and Teacher, every spiritual lesson is void of true life. Romans 8:2 reminds us that it is this Spirit that brings life and sets us free. So, if a speaker does not go first to the Spirit, then no one is going to be set free or motivated to change because his or her words will not carry that living breath of God that MOVES hearts. A heart that’s been schooled in surrendering and listening to The Teacher will bring a motivational message that a theology class alone cannot.
To find motivational speakers does not have to be a science. These three things really come down to one underlying theme: God’s love. If Christian speakers have God’s love, they will carry the purpose of Salvation behind everything they do, they will understand that complete Redemption between us and our Savior is a part of God’s loving plan, and their words will come from the teachings’ of the Spirit, since we cannot learn to love like God without the Holy Spirit moving our hearts in the first place. Remember, no matter whom the Christian motivational speakers are, the final response is always up to the listener: we make a choice to stay stagnant, or to move with the motivation of the Spirit.
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