Why not just pray to draw closer to God instead of spending time writing journals? Words are powerful. God created the world through words. In a way, He was writing the world into being in Genesis when “God said…and there was.” Words can invoke the creative inspiration of God! God also gave us words, in the Bible, as a way to draw closer to Him. When we think carefully about it, the Gospels are like an account of the disciples writing journals about the events that happened: they wrote out details and discoveries, and they also ended up writing what God had to say, through Jesus and what we call “divine” inspiration. They discovered more than “self,” they invited God into their writing, and the writing became a venue for us to draw closer to God’s love and heart today.
When we speak about the unique power of writing journals to draw closer to God, we cannot forget that Jesus himself was called “The Word.” In John Chapter One, we find Jesus called The Word. In the Jewish, not only does this reference mean Jesus, but also the “word” of God, by which He created the world and governs it, and the written word – the Bible. Which is why writing journals – actually making it a practice to write words on paper – can be a great venue to draw our hearts closer to God: God uses both spoken on written words to reach humanity, and when we use both venues to reach him, we find a deeper level of intimacy.
In my journals, I begin by writing as if I’m writing a letter to God or speaking to Him like a friend. Sometimes I address Him directly, other times I just write with Him as the audience to my story or thoughts. As I begin opening up my heart on the page, I discover I draw closer to God because it takes more vulnerability to be honest with written words. The more vulnerable I am, the more God can speak to those fears, doubts, lies, questions, or uncertainties. Often, I find that my journals become a message from God as well, and not just me writing to Him. Whether this happens through Him bringing a scripture verse to mind for me to write down, or from God actually inspiring me to write down words, I find it always draws me closer to His refreshing love. Below is the most recent message God gave me:
“Come to ME so that you never go empty or weary. Do good always. Even when you’re slapped, abused, and crushed, do good back. Give back MY blessings. The one thing I always promise you is an overflow of joy and my light…”
This message in my journals came from God at a time when I desperately needed His inspiration and was having a hard time with persecution, feeling like I wanted to retaliate. These words gave me the life and the reminder I needed to draw closer to God for the strength to persevere. That’s what God’s words do – “the word of God is living and active…it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12).
Because of the power of words and the ultimate power of The Word, combining them together allows God to become active in your thoughts and heart in a whole new, life-giving way. And, it’s not hard to do; start by pulling out a notebook and simply begin writing your journals to draw closer to God!
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